About Us

BookmarkDeal.com helps to collect set of resources to share with friends and colleagues, anyone can participate in our social bookmarking service. Links in our site is the starting point for discussion and knowledge sharing. People who reach out site from a social bookmarking site are generally there because your Web site appeared in a search for topics were interested in.

We enable users to collaboratively underline, highlight, and annotate an electronic text, in addition to providing a mechanism to write additional comments on the margins of the electronic document. It is especially useful for creating a list of resources, for example, for academic purposes or simply for sharing with other people who share the same interests as the user. Whenever you email a friend, family member, colleague or anyone and send them a link or a website you think that they are looking for or they might find interesting, you are participating in social bookmarking.

It provides an online service, which allows you to create and publicly share website bookmarks with other members of a community by simply tagging a web page with a web-based tool so you can easily access it later. BookmarkDeal services encourage users to organize their bookmarks with tags instead of the traditional browser-based system of folders, although some services feature categories/folders or a combination of folders and tags. Social bookmarking sites update and display recently added lists and popular links. It enables you to get the updated information you are looking for.

Please Contact Us for more information regarding us and services we offer. Meanwhile, you can follow us using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Enjoy!