Teachers and children took out awareness rally, emphasis on increasing enrolment.

Children of PM Shri Composite Vidyalaya Ubhai of Basti Haraiya development block took out an awareness rally on Friday under the School Chalo campaign. Through awareness rally, children and teachers went door to door in all the hamlets of the village and made the parents aware about enrolling all the children in school and compulsorily sending them to school every day. During the rally, children were carrying placards with education-motivating slogans in their hands. Children ask for love, give them the right to education.
If even one child is left behind, our resolve is broken. Being illiterate is a curse, now there will be no thumb impression. Papa, listen to my plea, we are of age to study. Will study, teach, make a developed country. Now don't make the mistake of ignorance, send every child to school etc. The whole village resonated with motivational slogans like education etc. Principal Vidyasagar Verma and senior teacher Sankul Pramod Tripathi and other teachers made the parents aware of the good education environment of the council school and the free government facilities available to the children and called for maximum enrollment.